For the second year in a row, our planet has been shaken by the coronavirus. At the very beginning, it was something new, and the new always scares with its unknown.

 But the human brain is designed so that sooner or later it will find a way out of the situation.

2020 was an unprecedented year in the fur industry. Now I don't really want to focus on this, but perhaps in 2 words it is still worth recalling how the entire Danish farm was destroyed.

Professionals, fur experts know what a Danish mink is. First of all, this is high quality, a huge selection work and investments in colored fur, and,perhaps, the most important thing is the tribe. Thus, the possibility of updating the livestock completely disappears, since with a change in diet and climate, the mink degenerates after several generations.

And here the coronavirus (like any other virus) has done its job, intended by nature itself. He simply adjusted the number of the animal population. It's just a pity that the blow fell not on the weak and sick part of the animal population, but on one of the most valuable. We will talk about the consequences next time, now we will just indicate the numbers. About a third of the highest quality skins, more than 90% of color mutations have left the fur market, and, as already mentioned above, the opportunity to replenish the livestock has completely disappeared.

The 2021 century has come and the entire world community is beginning to come to its senses, including the fur industry. The winter of 2021 turned out to be snowy and cold in many parts of our planet. And it happened – the fur is justified! The streets of New York, Moscow and many European capitals were filled with people dressed in natural fur coats.

Finally, synthetic "fake" fur lost in this competition with natural fur. Products made of surrogate do not fulfill the main purpose of fur – they absolutely do not keep heat. Yes, they can be fashionable and original, but they bring incomparable harm to the ecology of our planet.

And in our time, when health care is a priority, many people return to naturalness and traditions again and again.

In the fur industry, the Renaissance era is coming, which will put everything in its place and set priorities correctly.

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